On behalf of the 2024-2025 Florida Kiwanis Board of Directors, I hereby issue this call to the annual convention of the Florida District of Kiwanis.
The 2025 Florida Kiwanis District Convention will be held at the PGA National Resort and Spa in Palm Beach Gardens, FL from Thursday, August 7, 2025 through Sunday, August 10, 2025.
The purpose of the District Convention is: to elect officers for the 2025-2026 administrative year, consider amendments to the Bylaws, adopt resolutions, provide education and training, and to conduct any other business as may properly come before the delegate body.
At any district convention, each club in good standing shall be entitled to seat up to three (3) delegates, two (2) of whom should be the club president and president-designate, and may nominate up to three (3) alternates to serve if any delegate is absent. Club delegates and alternates shall be active members of the clubs they represent. However, the Lieutenant Governor or a past Lieutenant Governor may represent any club in their division not otherwise represented by three delegates. Delegates shall be elected by each club prior to the convention and certified to the district by the club president and secretary. A current or past Lieutenant Governor representing a club may be certified by the Credentials Committee or its designee. Official delegates of a newly organized Kiwanis club shall be granted full privileges at District conventions if the charter has been approved by the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees, even if it has not been formally presented to such club.
No delegate will receive voting credentials for any club that has indebtedness to the Florida District or to Kiwanis International.
A club, by majority of its active members, may propose bylaw amendments to be considered at any convention of the district, provided they are submitted to the Executive Director not less than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the convention and they are in conformity with the Kiwanis International Bylaws and the Standard Form for District Bylaws. Bylaw amendments may also be proposed by the District Board. No later than thirty (30) days prior to the district convention, the Executive Director shall make available to each club in the district a copy of all proposed bylaw amendments. Amendments to the bylaws may be adopted by two-thirds (3/4) of the valid votes cast by the delegates and delegates-at-large present and voting.
A club, by majority of its active members, may propose resolutions amendments to be considered at any convention of the district, provided they are submitted to the Executive Director not less than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the convention. Resolutions may also be proposed by the District Board. All proposed resolutions shall be referred to the Committee on Resolutions for its consideration and recommendation to the District Board. The Committee may modify, combine, edit, or not accept any club proposals. The District Board shall have final authority on resolutions to be considered at the convention. No later than thirty (30) days prior to the district convention, the Executive Director shall make available to each club in the district a copy of all proposed resolutions other than those of memoriam and appreciation. Resolutions may be adopted by a majority of the valid votes cast by the delegates and delegates-at-large present and voting except those recommended by the Board less than sixty (60) days in advance which shall require two-thirds (2/3) vote to adopt.
Executive Director, Florida District of Kiwanis International
The Convention Committee, chaired by Jose Leoncio, is working very hard to ensure that we have a successful convention, as well as a fun and exciting weekend. For more information about the convention, click the link below. Registration will be open soon.
🎉🎂 This month, we celebrate a few of our Kiwanis clubs' incredible history and impact, whose dedication to serving children, building communities, and fostering leadership has made a difference for many years! Your passion for service continues to spark positive change in our communities! Congrats on your success. Here's to many more years of serving your community. Congrats to @kiwanismiamilatin for their fiftieth anniversary! Just imagine all the lives they have changed in their communities from being around. #kidsneedkiwanis❤❤❤ ... See MoreSee Less
On behalf of the 2024-2025 Florida Kiwanis Board of Directors, I hereby issue this call to the annual convention of the Florida District of Kiwanis.
The 2025 Florida Kiwanis District Convention will be held at the PGA National Resort and Spa in Palm Beach Gardens, FL from Thursday, August 7, 2025 through Sunday, August 10, 2025.
The purpose of the District Convention is: to elect officers for the 2025-2026 administrative year, consider amendments to the Bylaws, adopt resolutions, provide education and training, and to conduct any other business as may properly come before the delegate body.
At any district convention, each club in good standing shall be entitled to seat up to three (3) delegates, two (2) of whom should be the club president and president-designate, and may nominate up to three (3) alternates to serve if any delegate is absent. Club delegates and alternates shall be active members of the clubs they represent. However, the Lieutenant Governor or a past Lieutenant Governor may represent any club in their division not otherwise represented by three delegates. Delegates shall be elected by each club prior to the convention and certified to the district by the club president and secretary. A current or past Lieutenant Governor representing a club may be certified by the Credentials Committee or its designee. Official delegates of a newly organized Kiwanis club shall be granted full privileges at District conventions if the charter has been approved by the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees, even if it has not been formally presented to such club.
No delegate will receive voting credentials for any club that has indebtedness to the Florida District or to Kiwanis International.
A club, by majority of its active members, may propose bylaw amendments to be considered at any convention of the district, provided they are submitted to the Executive Director not less than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the convention and they are in conformity with the Kiwanis International Bylaws and the Standard Form for District Bylaws. Bylaw amendments may also be proposed by the District Board. No later than thirty (30) days prior to the district convention, the Executive Director shall make available to each club in the district a copy of all proposed bylaw amendments. Amendments to the bylaws may be adopted by two-thirds (3/4) of the valid votes cast by the delegates and delegates-at-large present and voting.
A club, by majority of its active members, may propose resolutions amendments to be considered at any convention of the district, provided they are submitted to the Executive Director not less than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the convention. Resolutions may also be proposed by the District Board. All proposed resolutions shall be referred to the Committee on Resolutions for its consideration and recommendation to the District Board. The Committee may modify, combine, edit, or not accept any club proposals. The District Board shall have final authority on resolutions to be considered at the convention. No later than thirty (30) days prior to the district convention, the Executive Director shall make available to each club in the district a copy of all proposed resolutions other than those of memoriam and appreciation. Resolutions may be adopted by a majority of the valid votes cast by the delegates and delegates-at-large present and voting except those recommended by the Board less than sixty (60) days in advance which shall require two-thirds (2/3) vote to adopt.
The Convention Committee, chaired by Jose Leoncio, is working very hard to ensure that we have a successful convention, as well as a fun and exciting weekend. For more information about the convention, click the link below. Registration will be open soon.
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🎉🎂 This month, we celebrate a few of our Kiwanis clubs' incredible history and impact, whose dedication to serving children, building communities, and fostering leadership has made a difference for many years! Your passion for service continues to spark positive change in our communities! Congrats on your success. Here's to many more years of serving your community. Congrats to @kiwanismiamilatin for their fiftieth anniversary! Just imagine all the lives they have changed in their communities from being around. #kidsneedkiwanis❤❤❤ ... See MoreSee Less
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Congratulations to members of these clubs for their longstanding community impact and Pure Kiwanis Goodness!
Happy anniversary
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