Florida District of Kiwanis

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time. Kiwanians are volunteers changing the world through service to children and communities. Kiwanis members help shelter the homeless, feed the hungry, mentor the disadvantaged, and care for the sick. They develop youth as leaders, build playgrounds, raise funds for pediatric research, and much more. No problem is too big or too small. Why? Because working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone. When you give a child a chance to learn, experience, dream, and succeed, great things happen!

No, we are not an airline (That’s Quantas) We are a service organization that helps kids. Here is a quick video that explains what Kiwanis is.

2025 Mid-Year/Regional Conferences

February 1, 2025: Lafayette Presbyterian Church – 4220 Mahan Dr, Tallahassee

February 8, 2025: The Blake at LPGA – 1635 N. Williamson Blvd – Daytona Beach

March 1, 2025: Manatee Performing Arts Center – 502 3rd Ave W – Bradenton

March 8, 2025: E. Pat Larkins Community Center – 520 NW 3rd St – Pompano Beach

Schedule at a Glance

9:30 AMCheck-In
10:00 AMOpening Session
10:30 AMWorkshop
11:15 AMWorkshop
1:15 PMWorkshop
2:15 PMClosing Session

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The number of Kiwanis family members around the worldService hours performed by the Kiwanis family each yearThe average number of children each Kiwanian reachesU.S. dollars granted by the Kiwanis Children’s Fund in 2023

Ready to help children and families in your community?
Ready to change the world?
